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Contemporary Office Environment showing the inside of  the Calgary Contemporary Office Interiors Head Office Showroom with staff.

Calgary Showroom

We are Calgary's only Certified MillerKnoll dealer, and a DIRTT Construction Partner!

COI Jaspter Block Street view2

Edmonton Showroom

We are Edmonton's MillerKnoll Certified dealer, come visit us to learn more.

GTA Distribution Center
Danville Image

GTA Distribution Center

Our Toronto distribution center is by appointment only. Open M-F 9-4

Herman Miller day2 10

Toronto Showroom

Come visit us at our newest location!

0 L6 A5757

Vancouver Showroom

We are Vancouver's Only Certified MillerKnoll dealer! Come visit our showroom to discover more.

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Winnipeg Showroom

We are Manitoba's only Certified MillerKnoll dealership. Come visit our showroom to discover more.